6 Shocking Cultural Practices from Around the World That Will Leave You Speechless

Cultures around the world can be vastly different, and some practices may seem shocking to outsiders. Here are some examples of cultures that may be surprising to those unfamiliar with them:

1.    Balut

Balut is a popular street food in the Philippines that consists of a fertilized duck egg that is boiled and eaten with salt and vinegar. The egg is typically eaten whole, including the partially developed duck embryo inside.

2.     Haggis

Haggis is a traditional Scottish dish made from sheep's heart, liver, and lungs, mixed with onions, oatmeal, and spices. The mixture is then stuffed into a sheep's stomach and boiled.

3.    Escamoles

Escamoles are ant larvae that are considered a delicacy in Mexico. The larvae are harvested from the roots of agave plants and are typically eaten sautéed with butter and spices.

4.    Casu marzu

Casu marzu is a traditional Sardinian cheese that is made from sheep's milk and is intentionally infested with live maggots. The maggots break down the cheese and give it a unique flavor and texture.

5.    Surströmming

Surströmming is a traditional Swedish dish made from fermented herring. The fish is typically canned and left to ferment for several months before being eaten. The smell of surströmming is notoriously strong and has been described as one of the worst smells in the world.

6.    Carrying the wife over burning coals

     Some tribes in China follow a strange tradition where the husband carries his wife and walks over burning coals. These tribes believe that this practice would help the wife have painless labor.

These are just a few examples of the shocking cultures that are followed in different countries around the world. While these practices may seem unusual to outsiders, they are an important part of the cultural heritage of these countries and are often considered delicacies by those who grew up with them.

About the Author

I'm a motivated and creative UI/UX designer passionate about crafting immersive digital experiences.


  1. wow its really shocking
    1. Yeah....some practices may seem shocking to outsiders.
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